4 Reasons to Lose Weight for Your Child’s Sake

Bringing up a child can be tough, physically and mentally. Let’s talk about something many people will not tell you for being afraid that they will hurt your feelings – your extra weight. If you’re a mom or dad, you’ll know all about it, and you may feel a need for more calories to keep you going. But those extra calories will actually hold you back, making the going even tougher for you. It’s important to eat well in your demanding role, but that doesn’t mean eating extra. In fact, if you have a weight problem, now is the time to sort it out, for your child’s sake. Here are four reasons why.
1 - To Protect Your Child From Dangers
Kids run about, and sometimes they run into danger. There’s no knowing how or when it will happen, so it’s vital that you’re physically able to leap up and hoist him or her to safety at a moment’s notice. That can be tricky when you have a heavy body to maneuver. Even everyday tasks, like bending down to tie your child’s shoelace or wipe a slippery floor, will pose a challenge when flab gets in the way and clothes threaten to rip – and undone laces and slippery floors can cause accidents. But by keeping slim, or losing excess weight, you’ll be able to fix such matters easily and be more likely to keep your child out of harm’s way.
2 - To Provide Fulfilling Experiences
Taking your child out and about is easier when you’re trim and fit, so if your weight is slowing you down, see if you can lose a bit now. Then you’ll be able to take your child here, there, and everywhere without a struggle, and he’ll thrive on the experiences. The world is your oyster – and his – when you’re slim and agile. You’ll notice the difference at home, as well, when you shed those extra tires of flesh. You’ll appreciate the ease of getting down on the floor to help with a game and the joy of playing football without getting puffed out. Your kid will relish your extra input in his or her games, and children grow and flourish when they’re happy.
3 - To Save Money for Your Child’s Benefit
Eating costs money, but dollars are precious when you’re rearing a child. Just as cigarettes are a drain on income, so are luxury foods and drinks, like chocolate, cakes, ice cream, and fizzy pop, so keep those for weekend treats. Check the cost of other foods you’re buying. Can you cut down on them without compromising your health? Fresh vegetables are usually good value for money and also nutritious, so you can fill up on them, saving money for your child’s many needs. You’ll be saving your figure, too!
4 - To Promote a Healthy Lifestyle by Example
If you’re heavier than you’d like to be, you’ll know how problematic this can be, and will want to help your child stay slim. Childhood obesity has grown to an alarming rate, so you’ll need to monitor your youngster’s weight carefully and train him or her to eat healthily from the start. But if you’re serving yourself bigger meals than you need, or choosing sweet and fattening foods, your child will be tempted to follow suit. Children learn from their parents, so it’s vital that you set an example of safe, body-friendly eating habits. Let him or her see you tucking into the wholesome, nutritious types of food that they need – and only those – and your child will do the same. You can fight off grazing and snacking urges by having fun with your youngster instead. Put on some rhythmic music for a disco dance or bounce a ball around the backyard together. Build up a healthy appetite for your meal.
Losing weight is not easy, especially when you’re tired and stressed, but it helps to have an incentive, and you have the ideal one right there – your precious child. Every pound you lose will be a gift to your child’s health, happiness, and future – a beautiful gift. You’ll be rewarded for your willpower by the joy of seeing your children grow, flourish and succeed. Knowing that you went that extra mile for your little ones, will make you feel good about yourself. You’ll be rewarded another way, too, when you look in the mirror.