Cheap Design Ideas for Creating a Multi-Purpose Space

Cheap Design Ideas for Creating a Multi-Purpose Space

Have you always wanted an office, a man cave, a music room, or some other space, but you don’t have a spare room in the house? Do you find that certain items keep returning to a room they should not be in? Do you have a boiler or something else making the decor less than inviting? If so, it sounds like you need a multi-purpose room!


Add Function Where It Is Needed

While an area might look like it was made for a toy box or an office, it might not be the best idea if it is inconvenient. This wastes time, money, and space. In order to avoid this problem, look at where these activities happen in your home and come up with ways to incorporate them into your existing decor.
If your child’s toys tend to end up in front of the sofa, for example, consider adding storage under a table. If bills are one of the first things you put down when you come in the door, add organization and maybe even a desk by the door. You should always consider your family’s lifestyle and daily habits before you start planning.

Temporary Dividers

It would be great to have a separate room for everything, but this is not always possible. In this case, visually divide the area with curtains or bookshelves on wheels (with brakes, of course). Other fun and interesting alternatives include sliding fabric, blinds mounted on the ceiling, and large works of art.

Temporary dividers are also great for hiding plumbing, boilers, and other necessary items that can make your home feel uncomfortable. Just be sure to consider safety. Having fabric or other flammable materials can not only cause issues with your boiler or plumbing insurance, but it can also cause a fire or damage to the unit. We sure do not want that to happen!

If You Don’t Have Space, Make It

If you do not mind open spaces or would prefer not to physically divide the area, use your home decorating talents to create a visual division. One of the quickest and easiest ways to do this is to coat each area with a different color wallpaper or paint. You can use an area rug to separate the space visually, or even large pieces of furniture like sofas or tables. Whatever you do, don’t forget about color! Bright furniture and accents can do wonders for your eyes and help you keep things visually organized as well.

With some ingenuity and creativity, almost any room can do double duty. Furniture that pulls out folds down or can be built-in is the perfect way to make the most of a small home. Find cubes you can push under desks or tables or cover them with fabric and foam to make seating.


No matter what our personal tastes are, we need to use the space we have wisely when designing a multi-purpose room. Therefore, add functionality where things naturally collect or where you perform certain tasks. Once you are done setting up your space, avoid the temptation of doing too many things in one area, or taking items from one area to another. Lastly, be conscious of clutter. Get rid of anything you do not need and try to keep things tidy; do not let things pile up or you will spend more time cleaning up later. As your life and needs for space change, you will also be able to change the room. These ideas are great and do not cost a lot.